
I am Dennis Crompton, born in Lancashire in 1929, living in New Zealand since 1954, and writing ever since. I hope you enjoy this selection of writings from a Lancashire lad. I will be adding to them over the next few months. The offering below is a description I wrote of myself in 1999. Enjoy!

Who I am: I am a white male, English born, now a citizen of New Zealand, married with a wife and three daughters. We are cared for by two cats left by daughter Sara as an aid to reducing blood pressure and for something to talk to when hearing aid batteries run flat. This appears to have worked as we are both still here. The SPCA have noted that neither of the cats can reproduce, balancing things out nicely, as my wife and I find ourselves in the same happy state now.

What I am: a retired secondary school teacher writing for pleasure, with previous experience in the motor trade, driver of armoured fighting vehicles in the British Army, catering in the Royal New Zealand Air Force, and as a minister of religion in two New Zealand churches.

Where I’m at: wherever I’ve gone I’ve gained a variety of friends, but only a select few know anything of the real me. My outward appearance gave me no advantage at all re Hollywood, the stage, mincing down the catwalk of high fashion or sipping cocktails and nibbling canapés with the rich and more than slightly batty expressing just how daft they are when it comes to the appreciation of art.

With regard to looks: wearing spectacles has handicapped me with a rating of below-your-average ordinary. I dress as the occasion demands and finance permits. I’d be lost in a crowd of anything up to six. Less, and I’d still be overlooked. I’m in no way phased by this. My quiet and placid nature forbids it, which suits me just fine.


As a young soldier in my late teens, the major of my regiment was convinced of what I was. As his driver-batman I’d left a pile of hedge clippings on the ground at his home intending to pick them up later. The following morning he told me quite forcibly, in the hearing of his good lady wife and two young daughters, that I was an idiot. To be precise, he said, “Crompton. You’re a blithering idiot, man. A blithering idiot.” I murmured a respectful, “Yes sir,” but pondering later on ‘blithering’, I realised I’d not understood the word until I met the major.

Later, when he’d gone off to play soldierly things with his regiment, his lady wife said quietly and with some understanding, “I’m sorry for the way my husband spoke to you, Crompton. Don’t take any notice of him.” I’d answered with a smile and thought, Oh I don’t, Mrs R, then we had morning tea together. I told a mate about it, a chap who’d joined the regiment on the same day as me. His reply has remained with me ever since: “She’s all right. He’s just a string of piss. Ignore the bastard.” It’s a colourful phrase, and though I’ve never used it myself, it summed the major up just fine. You’d agree if you’d met him.

I’ve met his type wherever I’ve gone, some applying pressure when I was vulnerable and not able to counter their actions. Like most folk I learned to live with the fact and get on with life. They didn’t know or care about me; they used me to maintain their own position. Of course there were others who did not and I’m grateful to many people who helped me to become the kind of person I am today.

If I seemed to have lacked ambition, it was because I was rather late in ‘finding myself’. I can tell you that I have the normal desires that come with being human. I acknowledge my feet of clay, not as an excuse for mistakes made but in recognition that I and my fellow humans are capable of both noble and degrading things. That being privileged to be born as I was does not permit me to criticise others born into less favourable, even appalling situations. I appreciate music and literature and can be moved by both. I enjoy meeting people from other races and nationalities and hope that something of the grace and charm I’ve seen in some of them may have rubbed off on me. I loathe brutality whether physical or psychological, especially of those unable to defend themselves. Over the years I’ve watched as others were hurt by harsh, unfeeling, martinet-type people and resolved never to become like them. I felt better in putting others first and some have understood this to be weakness on my part, presuming I lacked backbone and resolve. The truth was I felt there was a better way of doing things and generally kept silent until I possessed all the facts which then gave me the confidence to speak or act.

It was in New Zealand that I first understood I had potential. I was encouraged to improve myself and appreciated when I succeeded. I felt most privileged in being a teacher, where I was able to encourage those who had potential too.

I live in the present but draw on my past experiences from time to time. I’ve become a kind of introvert with shades of an extrovert, rather like an actor, desiring to play a small part every now and then. I do this best when reading something I’ve written to a selected few. I believe that when I’m dead and gone I’ll have a kind of future in my daughters and my writings. I’ll leave it to them should they desire to express how this might be.

In my writings I’ve shared my opinions and given expression to my thoughts and feelings with what I believe is warmth and humour and understanding … and this is me.


Dennis Crompton © 1999


  1. The writings of a Lancashire Lad may well find a nesting place in the hearts of all thinking Lancastrians. The inquiring creative mind once released is here found in the burst of energy characteristic of a new year to be enjoyed. Thanks to the keen eye of of his daughter who has, like Titania, come lightly upon the scene.

  2. Oi, there’s nothing wrong with wearing spectacles 🙂 I enjoy your writing, thanks so much for sharing with us all !

    1. Well Hello there Palomino72, you’re the first one I’m able to get a reply to, if this works that is. One of my daughters set my blog up for me and I’ve had a great deal of enjoyment in seeing some of my writings on the Web. I haven’t got my head around signing up yet, user names and passwords leave me gasping, I need a secretary to sort it out. I haven’t got a website si hope my wordpress blog will suffice. Cheers for now,
      Dennis Crompton.

      1. I’m stoked she got it all set up for you. Its all quite confusing at first on here for all of us but I enjoy reading your writings 🙂

  3. Marlene Watson · · Reply

    I am Lancashire Lass, born 9 years after you, lived in California since 1978 and a U.S. citizen. I have enjoyed reading your blog, sent to me by my sister in France, a friend of your daughter. Keep up the good work Dennis, I am certain your writings give lots of people lots of pleasure.

  4. Hello and thanks for your encouragement Marlene; our family influence has spread since my daughter and family moved to France, while I hail from Preston, Lancashire originally; and yourself born in Lancashire too. Small world and a great time to be alive and able to communicate so freely. I enjoy writing about people, real or imagined in a variety of situations, as well as giving my opinions and sharing ideas. The word processor really opened up our ability to write. Great!
    Dennis Crompton

  5. And thanks too, to Palomino72,. I do love that joyful smile of yours.


  6. belllettres · · Reply

    Hi Dennis
    I’m a good friend of Sara’s. I see you have visited my blog already – thank you. You write so well, I am enjoying reading your posts. Definitely keep going! Obviously the writing gene runs in your family. Patricia x

    1. It’s Sara here, replying on Dennis’s behalf – it was me looking at your posts from D’s account but I’m sure he’ll have a look now 🙂 x

  7. Hello Patricia,

    Nice to read your comments, encouraging too.Its a small world with our easy access via computers to fellow humans. Bellettres …? Is that a nom de plume? I haven’t dipped into you writings yet, will do so shortly. Thanks to daughter Sara, I’m able to enjoy other peoples writings as I share my own. Cheers for now, Dennis.

  8. And thank you, Bellletres; I was a member of NZ authors society for a few years,reading some of my items at groups in Morrinsville; Matamata, Cambridge, Hamilton, Auckland University.
    For a few years I created small booklets of writings, with a few simple illustrations and used them as Christmas greetings for family and friends in NZ and overseas. They gave me more pleasure than just sending a commercial card. So, my writings are twice blessed; blessing both sender and receiver. Will would have approved, methinks. Cheers,

  9. Mancakes · · Reply

    Hi Dennis! I should’ve mentioned this a couple of days ago but I write a blog focused primarily (and usually sarcastically) on men, and I posted a list of my favorite WordPress blogs written by men, and included yours on my list! I hope some of my pals swing by and check out your writing because I look forward to every post from you; your stories and writing always make me think and/or smile it seems. Have a fantastic weekend, my new friend! 🙂

    1. Hello Mancakes and an enthusiastic Thank you for your encouraging comments. I’m still finding my way round blogging and thanks to one of my daughters who set my blog up for me, I can share my efforts with interested people and read their efforts in return, Great! I hope to find my way to items you have written too, my new literary friend. Cheers for now,

  10. Here’s what Mancakes wrote on her blogsite (see comments above):
    Read this! The Writings of a Lancashire Lad – Born in 1929, Dennis has great stories and I love his writing although he doesn’t do it near enough in my opinion. The post “A Note to My Daughters” is one of the best posts in the history of blogging.
    Thank you Mancakes!

  11. Marlaine Payne · · Reply

    Hello dennis,
    Your writings so make me think of My nanan,so many things you say are similar to the way she spoke.Nothing strange in that ,as she was your Aunt Violet .I love reading your words,especially as they are from your life.
    I,ll wear “The red hat” ust for you,and send some pictures.
    love marlaine x

    1. Dear Marlaine of the Red Hat, great to have your comments on my blog items, do let my other relatives know as they would like to read them too I’m sure. I’m really enjoying sharing my writing efforts with so many people from different parts of the world. We look forward to receiving the pictures you’ll be sending.
      Cheers to you all Marlaine,
      Much love, Dennis.

  12. Mancakes · · Reply

    Hi Dennis! Heather from Mancakes here. You’ve been nominated for the Hope Unites Globally (H.U.G) Award and I hope you accept! This award recognizes those working to promote hope, love, peace, equality, and unity for all people. I’ve explained why I chose you and what it’s all about here: http://mancakestheblog.wordpress.com/2013/03/11/the-h-u-g-award/ and this is the direct link to the award details: http://ahopefortoday.com/2012/01/14/hope-unites-globally-hug-award-guidelines/

    1. Well, thank you so much Heather! I am chuffed and honoured that you should think me worthy of your award nomination, and of course I accept with great pleasure! Do let me know if/when I can use the award logo – I guess that’s for the winner only? Again, thanks so much for reading, and for your especially enthusiastic support. Wonderful! Best regards, Dennis

      1. Mancakes · ·

        Hi Dennis! Well, it’s a little confusing but my understanding is that these blog award thingys….basically if you get nominated you’ve won! So follow the guideline link and that will lead you to where you can find the logo to add to your page. It’s a little confusing, so holler if you have questions! (I’m assuming I did it right… to be determined, I suppose!) 🙂

  13. Thank you again Heather. I will keep investigating! Cheers, Dennis

  14. Hi Dennis. I just want to say, on behalf of me and my sisters, how much I am enjoying your posts. I hope you have a lot more writings to share in the future. Thanks so much for thinking, and writing, and having such a great sense of humour. Best wishes from your loving daughter, Sara x

  15. Now there’s nice for you, what else from one of my super daughters? Sara, you did me a great favour in setting up my blog and in continuing to add items from my store. It gives me a very satisfied feeling to see them, especially so many positive and appreciative comments from my friends worldwide. Our world continues to shrink bringing us all closer in companionship. Wonderful.

    I’m so pleased my eldest sister, Hilda, read stories to me when I was a youngster, she read so well that my love of the written and spoken word springs from those early days. Dad x

  16. I thought I’d add that my daughter Sara (who manages my blog) lives in France and keeps in touch through emails and blogs, but it’s almost as if she is a few doors away as each time I open my computer the desk top photo of Sara and her family smile back at me as they stand ‘neath the shade of some bushes in our back garden.
    Cheers and hugs, Sara and family,
    Dad x
    Sara’s blog is: http://www.saracromptonmeade.wordpress.com

  17. Our Brian · · Reply

    What a great way to record your catalogue of writings – the blog is definitely your medium. Very well done and keep up the good work. All the Best, Brian.

  18. Dennis Crompton · · Reply

    I’m not sure if I’ve replied to you Brian,so just in case in haven’t; It’s really satisfying to know my Blog is a way of getting my efforts seen by a wide range of people, and chuffed to have your personal comments to add to them. Great too to have the latest pics of you in France with everyone looking so happy; please give you mum a hug from me, it’s lovely to see her amongst you all.
    All the best, Brian, Andrea and Sara.

  19. Thanks for sharing such a pleasant, thinking piece of
    writing which is fastidious, and that’s why I have read it fully.

    1. I appreciate your compliments on my writings, re: ‘The writings of a Lancashire Lad’, which have been received very well by folks from different parts of the world; I’ve always wished some of my forebears had left letters and papers setting out their thoughts and opinions of life as they experienced it as well as their hopes and aspirations. Ordinary do have extra-ordinary things to share. Many thanks ‘financial consultant’. Dennis Crompton.

  20. Fran Stowe · · Reply

    Dearest Uncle D, I am so impressed with your blog, keep it coming, please. You have always been my favourite story teller so it is wonderful to see all those stories in print now. Big hugs,
    Your ‘favourite’ niece Fran

    1. Hello Fran, I’m so pleased you found my Blog; I’ve enjoyed writing down my thoughts and imaginings for some years now, prompted in some part when attending funerals and hearing folks say after the service …’I wish I’d know all those interesting things about our …’ I felt some of their despair and disappointment that they’d lost so much they could have shared when their friend was alive. So Fran: photographs, births, marriages and death certificates tell us something about friends, how much better to share something they’d written of their observations and experiences of the lives they’d lived … and if they couldn’t write them, someone in their family could try. Your words to me Fran are most encouraging. Here’s a big ‘Thank you’,

  21. Beautifully written into Dennis, I’m always interested in those that come from violence (soldiering) and enter the church. Was it cause and effect or a natural transition for you?

    1. My becoming a minister of religion came about through a crusade held in New Zealand by Billy Graham, an American evangelist, Stuartart; violence as a soldier had no part in my thinking or actions, it was simply a fact that I was born in England and completed two years National Service as a conscripted man when I turned eighteen. Jersey Fijalkowsji, from Poland man who escaped to Britain in 1942 was working in the same engineering works and we became friends in 1953. I explain more of this in my writings. The works, the church and other experiences led me to become a secondary school teacher, the most satisfying and enjoyable time for me. Cheers to you, Stuartart.
      Dennis Crompton.

  22. Hi Dennis
    My name is Heather Crook and I do a little local history magazine in Preston would you email please theprestonmagazine@gmail.com
    Thanks Heather

    1. Hello Heather, thank you for your comment. I have emailed you at your email address (thank you again for the Preston Magazines that you have sent to us). Kind regards, Sara Crompton Meade, on behalf of Dennis Crompton.

  23. Christine Procter · · Reply

    Hi Dennis,
    You might remember that I got in touch with you around 2008, but since then I lost your contact details. My name is Christine Procter and my late dad, Robert Holmes, was Frank Crompton’s nephew. His mum, and my grandma ,was Mary Crompton (aka Polly). Unfortunately she died when I was seven so I only have a few memories of her, but they are treasured ones.

    I’m so pleased and amazed by your blog and writings. I also have a love of writing. If you are willing, please send me your email address and we can have a proper catch up.
    Best wishes, Christine

    1. Hi Christine, I will send this to my Dad, Sara (Dennis’s daughter). He will contact you directly. Kindest regards, Sara x

    2. Here is Dad’s email address: cromptonnz@gmail.com. Please go ahead and contact him. Sara x

    3. Hello again Christine, great to hear from you again and thank you for your encouraging comments about my writings.
      I have very happy memories of meeting Uncle Frank Crompton in his home, seated in a large and comfortable armchair greeting me with a warm smile on his face. Why younger members in families are kept in the dark about their extended family members, I don’t know, but too much is lost which is such a waste of their experiences.

      One of the reasons I took to writing was to try and capture my own thoughts and feelings about various happenings in my life, some not of my own choosing or making but which resulted in my thinking deeply about the whys and wherefores people behave as they do; many happy and a few not so happy but all adding to the person that is me.

      Looking forward to your emails as we share things together.
      Cheers Christine,
      Love and hugs,

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