Monthly Archives: November 2013

Another chance

Chance saw me born an Englishman at no time was I consulted regarding place or country kith or kin glimpsed not a glimpse of any plan just born into the Lancashire clan. * I would like to have been an Arab adventurous bold and free wearing romantic flowing robes riding the crests of desert sands […]

Sundays and pastry

We didn’t have much in the way of furniture or clothes, etc, during the Depression, but from my point of view we still enjoyed many things as a family. Our Sunday dinners saw the table full of good food and the sideboard loaded with pies or cakes my eldest sister, Hilda, had baked. Hilda faced […]

International citizen

Ponder, I bid you, on our corporate existence appearing with time, earth and humanity’s persistence. A mystery! along with all the rest to rouse the mind and set the eternal quest. * Homo sapiens, erect, keen brain and senses, prompted by insight sought answers to some questions. A revelation? Perhaps it could have been, presenting […]

En passant…

time pulsates on coloured or drab by circumstance with vaporous breath proclaiming life exists * set in motion powered by what or whom with circumstance awaiting only to end so soon * the visible and the abstract mingle and merge you see no longer a dichotomy I’m now a single me * Dennis Crompton © […]


…written after hearing a presenter at a poetry workshop… I’ll never get to heaven now I thought not when I’m as envious as this damn it he has so much most of the things I lack anyway… * I mean he looked so cool as they say easy on the eye a person neat in […]

A word to the excluded…

I think tonight of those excluded from the normal company of others by whoever and for whatever in village, town or city… I think of you. * Somewhere tonight some are excluded from the family of their birth gender and cold ignorance robs them of their true worth… I think of you. * Some are […]

When I was a boy

Here are some various memories of my boyhood. Sometimes a song on the radio takes me back to when I was a boy, back to before transistor radios and TV which were still progressing through their pregnancy, back to the days of monotonously grey Sunday afternoons. There was one thing that lifted my spirits though, […]

Lines connecting

Alone amidst the throng who pass me by knowing they see only the outward shape of me and nothing more familiar copy of their own they see yet see not me. * I share with them a common clay breathe, eat, sleep, and pass each day as they this I know, as they know too […]

Cap and gown

When I reached the magical age of 14, I’d had enough of school, so I left. It was my hope then that Dad would be happy for me to learn a trade, either as a plumber or a brick-layer, but for the three months after I’d left school I stayed at home, did the housework […]

A journey

Today on my journey into town a youth rode by. His bicycle, with its wicker basket (a relic from the past) reminded me of journeys I had made feet draped over handlebars of the farm hand’s bike. * How the wind whistled in my ears, forcing tears from my eyes. Sometimes he’d whistle or sing, […]