Tag Archives: fiction

The man behind the photograph

  He was very pleased that he’d followed her advice. The photograph turned out fine. Just the right angle and lighting, with the colouring and setting adding to the dignity. In the best magazine and newspapers too! A few things had worried him though. He hadn’t altered his hairstyle. Martina, his dear wife, suggested that […]


England, in the spring of 1574, saw a greater number of monks and pilgrims than usual, making their way from one shrine to the next in search of religious enlightenment. Many of them called for food and shelter at abbeys, monasteries and religious houses dotted throughout England. Waltham Abbey, in the country of Hertford, came […]

Quite by accident

Sometimes I just hate myself. I can be so selfish. I mean, I could have stopped and offered to help Lester. I was pretty sure he’d recognised me as I drove past. When I’d checked by the rear-vision mirror, the look on his face could have stopped a clock. But it was raining. I’d had […]


This is a piece of fiction. I love noticing the odd and curious things about people. Here’s a little example: So far, I’d met a few odd characters on my door-to-door research survey on television viewing in the neighbourhood;  all different characters, in keeping with the dictionary definition I’d read earlier that day. Apparently the […]

Enquiries are continuing…

Archaeologists and scientists from around the world are arriving in Egypt in response to a recent gruesome discovery. Rasan Abdel Hassan, our Middle East correspondent, links it to a report he made in 1988. That report read: The sudden disappearance of Mr Peter Carter, aged 23 years, is causing some concern. He joined a party […]

A real artist

It must be said that most members of the Arts Council in our small town have something of a stubborn streak about them. You’d agree if you met them. One of them believed that arts meant culture with a capital K. It was there in bold letters on the opening page of the minute book. […]

Life is great, baby

The age of miracles is not yet passed I thought some time ago, on hearing news of Billy Rolands, a former schoolmate. Nothing had distinguished his time at school, nor mine. We belonged to a group possessing the happy knack of being there but seldom noticed, and whose real education began the moment we left […]

Final confirmation (conceptual realisations)

It was the absence of familiar sounds that pushed the first alert button in my mind, as Sugar, our cat, hadn’t purred her gentle, ‘Get up and feed me now!’ call in my ear. The second alert registered when I realised my eyes were open but there was nothing to see; just a soft, creamy […]

A winning creation

Recently I was very privileged to be able to attend a competition entitled: the ‘Best Hat of the Day’, held by a branch of the Country Women’s Institute in the Waikato district, on the outskirts of Hamilton, New Zealand. Their guests were the women-folk of the district’s social and welfare organisations, invited so that the […]


The wind blew wild on the coast of Kent as I went to join my father. It was bitterly cold where he waited on the promontory out of Dungeness. The work my father put into selling his wool to weavers in France was threatened by the duties imposed by the government, and danger lurked everywhere […]